On this page, you'll learn a little about
the Eds and the rest of the characters, if you didn't all ready know that! Later to come are longer biographies about each
of the characters.

Ed is the stupid Ed who loves chickens and monster movies. He's the moron
of the trio, and is usually responsible for their scams failing.

Edd, or Double D, is the smart, quiet Ed. He's a neat-freak and his family
communicates through "stiky notes". The mystery of his hat is still unsolved by fans, but Ed and Eddy have gotten a peek,
and so did Sarah, after she hid in it.

Eddy is the self appointed leader of the Eds, and usually comes up with
their scams. He's kinda a wise guy and has a "small" ego, but he has two very good friends. He gets peeved if someone calls
him "short", and he hates Kevin no matter what!

Kevin is the jock-boy of the cul-de-sac. His best friend is Rolf, and he
usually picks on the Eds and calls them 'dorks', although he has been seen getting along with Ed and Double D.

Nazz is the most mature girl in the cul-de-sac, and ALL the boys, except
perhaps little Jimmy, have a crush on her, especially Eddy and Kevin. She plays the tuba, gymnastics, and babysits. She can
be seen hanging with Kevin.

Rolf is a forienger in the cul-de-sac. He's from the "old country" and
his father is a shepard. He has many farm animals, including Victor, the goat, and Wilfred, the pig. Although he is best friends
with Kevin, he does accept the Eds, sometimes.

Sarah is Ed's bratty little sister who usually tell on him to get her
own way. Her best friend is Jimmy, who she usually protects. She has a crush on Double D and is the only person apart from
Ed and and Eddy who might know the mysterious secret of his hat. .

Jimmy is the most sensitive kid in the cul-de-sac and usually has his
best friend, Sarah, protect him from the Eds, or the Kanker Sisters, or anyone who is frightening him. He likes to play with
dolls and bake cookies, and is perhaps the only boy who doesn't have a crush on Nazz..

Jonny 2x4 is a loner who's best friend is a piece of wood he calls "Plank",
and he secretly hates the Eds. According to Eddy anyway... He can be quite gullible at times and if it weren't for his wooded
best friend he would have fallen for many of the Eds' scams and pranks although he will do anything for a handful of granola...

Plank is a piece of wood who "talks" to Jonny, although none of the other
kids can hear him. According to Jonny he 'sees things' and usually helps Jonny to not fall for the Eds' tricks. He is currently
the king of the cul-de-sac after wooping Eddy with a score of 6/1. He, like Jonny, gets his own allowance and is found
with Jonny from morning til dusk.

Lee Kanker is the red headed leader of the Kanker Sisters, the three
mean and disgusting girls who live in the Trailor Park, Park and Flush. They have one mother, but three different fathers,
Bub, Butch, and Rod... Each of the Kankers have a crush on one of the Eds, Lee's being Eddy, although they beat them up in
some episodes... .

Marie Kanker is the second Kanker Sister who lives in the Trailor Park,
Park and Flush. She's the one with the blue hair who has a crush on Double D. .

May, the third Kanker sister, lives with her other two in the Trailor
Park, Park and Flush. She is the stupid blonde one that has a crush on Ed.